…It all started with one woman, one motorcycle, with one hell of a drive.
Soi 705 is a family owned, independent Asian restaurant & bar. Our recipes have followed us generationally from the famous streets (sois) of Bangkok, to the vibrant dining culture of Liverpool, to this sunny corner of the world, Richland, WA. Who would’ve known selling baskets of food & frying noodles on a cart would eventually land us in the UK, then all the way here in our 6th location? Apart from Thailand, we have eaten our way across Japan, S Korea, China, Brunai, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam & Cambodia. Our travels around the world have reassured us that:
1) We love hawker food!
2) Fresh noms are the best ones!
3) Jetlag sucks. Why sleep when you can eat?
We want to take you on an edible adventure across the globe without the plane ticket, with a drink in hand rather than a passport.
You may recognize us as the minds behind Mezzo Thai, which has been present in the area since 2003. We simply thought it was time to shake it up, have some fun, & explore our roots. Same quality, new concept, fresher experience. See you soon!